Friday, August 31, 2012

What to do today?

Yes!  53 laps yesterday was easy peasy for me!  I didn't have time to swim more laps...but better off so I can leave room for improvement ;)

Today today...what challenge shall I have today?  As much as I'd like to challenge no dessert or alcohol, we're having my mom and grandmother over for dinner tonight--and I know I won't enjoy myself as much with those restrictions.  I guess I need to challenge myself to another exercise goal. 

I don't need more chlorine, although I wouldn't mind I may end up in the pool again.  But, I'm going to take my kicks to the gym and see if getting on the stair stepper or elliptical is comfortable.  It's hard to tell what is/isn't good for my toe/food just yet, so I won't put too much pressure on myself.  But challenge myself....30 minutes on one of those machines with good resistance and some weight lifting in between. 

Here's to Friday--have to keep myself on task!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Last Days of August

Tomorrow is the last day of August....

It's dreary out (thank you Hurricane Isaac) and I'm mentally preparing myself for the months ahead.  I MUST put my constant thoughts and motivation into action.  If you know me, you know I'm a health junkie.  I would guess that anyone would describe me as a gym-addict and healthy eater.  But I'll admit, it's incredibly easy to fall off the bandwagon, and that I've done a good job of.

But at the beginning of almost every week, or month, I say to myself "and now I begin!  less meat, less alcohol, more routine exercise!" and then dinner comes around...we're invited out for the meal....and it's a total loss.  The swim is defeated easily by the hamburger and french fries order.  But I'm out to eat....I don't make that food at home!  Sooooooooo

August 30 begins my challenge.  Obviously this mental preparation is doing me no good.  I'm going to attempt this route...out where anyone can read it.  So if you are reading and you have words of motivation or advice, throw it my way.

I've had my steel cut oats and banana--and am sipping on my water.  Out of the ordinary, David has been making coffee every day this week as his parents are visiting.  I don't add sugar, but it's still a treat.

Shortly, I'll fold laundry and get ready to head to the gym.  Broken pinky toe piggy-backed to my other toes, I'll jump in the pool and attempt 50 laps today.  I've been slowly building it up...first was 30, then 35, and on Tuesday I swam 40.  50 laps will be 2500 yds...which is.....1.42 miles.  Maybe I'll push myself to 53 laps to do 1.5 miles. 

Fingers crossed, my challenge has been my diet.  I need less sugar, more veggies and fruit.  Today's as good a start as any.  Here I go!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Busy times!

I usually find myself more blog-creative when I'm driving, in the shower, or doing something that does not allow me to get on my computer and actually update!  I push aside the thought of jotting down notes to post later and find myself, like now, not knowing what to share.  I'll give my less-creative moment a go.

I've been very busy lately!  There are a couple of celebratory events for friends that impact me a great deal. 

First, Jennifer Faulkner, a best friend since 4th grade, is marrying Dan Seigel, also an acquaintance I've known growing up through Temple--but with him a few years older, he was a Marshall friend rather than my friend.  The two of them are both singers and met through vocal opportunities around Birmingham.  With Daniel's mom being the Cantor at Temple growing up and his father being the Organist as well--and still--they are definitely 'Temple' family for me.  Jen's family 'adopted' me when we moved to Mountain Brook in elementary school, so they are extended family.  It's such an unexpected blessing that the two families will be joining through Jen and Dan's marriage.  SOOOO...along with this blessing, I have the honor of being Jen's Maid of Honor!  I've hosted a wedding party at the house and will be helping with the bachelorette party in a few weeks.  It's kept me on my toes and it is wonderful being included in their celebrations.

The second isn't reeeeaaallly celebratory, but I'm making a positive out of what is really a BIG FAT STINKIN NEGATIVE for me.  Lauren, my closest friend and best friends since we were 15, is moving to Bethesda, MD with her husband.  We've known for a while that this would be happening--but there's really no preparing that can be done to make it any easier.  We speak on the phone at least every other day--and see each other often.  Jarred and David have become friends as well and we enjoy our Sunday mornings together--the boys play golf while we walk or hang out and then we all come together for a relaxing brunch.  I'm going to miss her like none other.  She's been so thoughtful and asked me to drive with her for the big move in June.  Even better, she's hanging back a week just so that we can make the trip together. 

They, thankfully, were successful in finding a home in Bethesda AND selling their home in Ross Bridge recently.  She and Bella (her cat) will move in with us at the beginning of June when Jarred moves up with all of their belongings.  I'll celebrate Jen and Dan's wedding weekend June 8-10 and then get in the car early morning June 11 and drive to MD with La.  We're looking at stopping over in Roanoke, VA so we can see another city along the 12 hr trip.  I'll help her get somewhat situated in her new home and then fly home on June 15--to be greeted by David AND his parents!  Yes, then Judy and Claude will be visiting for 7-10 days, I imagine. 

Does this sound busy or am I just stressing over spilled milk?  ;)  All very wonderful things, but change for sure. 

Life is good. 

 The *hostesses with bride and MOB
Emily Casey, Caleigh Rathmell, Jennifer Faulkner, Diane Faulkner, Corey Maupin, Alli Maupin
*We were missing a couple of gals--Rebecca Harris and Elise Balzer.  Can't wait to celebrate with them over the wedding weekend!
Jen and Dan being put on the spot in front of guests--trying to come up with same answers!
 mustache goofing
 Dan's parents (in middle) Jane and Lester with nephew Jack and Stan Faulkner

Some oldies the bestes--my look how we've changed!!!
 OH MY :)  Me, Lauren, and our other beste Caroline (currently in lawyer in Honk Kong)
 with other great friends--Bonnie and Cara
 in April before a party we attended
I'm teary-eyed just thinking about 'carrying' her to her new home...

Can't forget the one who helps me get through it all....the love of my life
 recent weekend trip to Destin--and first trip just the two of us!

Monday, March 26, 2012

What a beautiful weekend we had--and gorgeous week ahead!!  David and I returned to our home on Friday, after a week of dog-sitting for a friend.  Loved staying at this beautiful home with a refreshing pool and hot tub, but I'm reminded of why we usually keep dogs at our home :)  We did continue to juice (traveling juicer, baby!), but there were many other food items available to us--cheese, chips, and loads of junky sweets!  This week we didn't do so well staying away from it all, but when we return, we will have to!  It'll be too close to my maid-of-honor position for me to risk the acne and weight gain!!

Saturday morning, we started off with David's delicious lattes.  Mid-day, I made us our Mean Greens and we enjoyed it in a wine glass.  Kris Carr "Crazy Sexy Life" suggests that enjoying your juice in a wine glass or other pretty glassware can make the 'meal' more satisfying.  We liked the idea and enjoyed our lunch :)

We also worked in the the backyard.  We're hosting a party at our home mid-April and, fingers crossed the weather is nice, hope people will use the back porch along with the inside of our home.  That means--weed and leaf clean-up!!  We've cleaned out our waterfall and pond, but still have some leaf mulching to do as well as the weed destruction.  In the meantime, I'm anxiously awaiting my seedlings for my 2012 garden.  So far, my heirloom tomatoes are the strongest.  Ironically, they were the last to produce last year--but the first to grow this year!?  My cherry tomatoes seem to be struggling with a number of the other seeds-cucumbers, basil, spinach, romaine, and peas.  I'll move the heirlooms to the garden next weekend, but hopeful that some of the other seedlings will begin to grow over the next few weeks.  I can't wait to see what produce I have over the Summer!!

Happy Spring!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Still loving my career choice!

A massage client informed me this weekend of an article published in the Wall Street Journal last week.  It's a great piece on research that is being done for medical massage.  Sure, it's great to get luxurious massages from time to time (I know many people enjoy cruise/resort treats), but finding time to get a massage biweekly or monthly is the preferred maintenance if you love your body.  We use our bodies everday-- whether its through exercise, daily activities, or attending work--our bodies need a release from time to time in order to feel good.

I'm always pleased when I see research being done to prove that massage is beneficial to our health.  Check out this article from the Wall Street Journal!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday is one of my more challenging workout days during the week.  I arrive at the LJCC around 9:10 and take BodyAttack with Greer, CXworks with Mark (I think that's his name??), and Zumba with Liz.  My gym gf Jennifer hangs in with me too.  Sometimes I duck out of Zumba a little early for work OR out of pure exhaustion!  So, I try not to push myself too much after my early AM workout.

Yesterday, I had some time to kill.  I usually walk laps around the track as it is very available and the weather is enticing--but I opted for something different.  I cruised over to the library to see what could distract me.  I recently finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and am ready to start "The Girl who Played with Fire".  They didn't have any copies at this library, BUT they had it for the Kindle!!  I have never checked out a book on my Kindle, so it was time to learn!  Thankfully, the new Library in the Forest in Vestavia Hills is not only beautiful, but also has many eager staff members who are excited to help out!  Ron offered to take me through the lesson, even though I saw signs all over the place saying that I could come back in 2 weeks for a class to learn how to upload books to my Kindle.

It was pretty easy.  It helps that I am already familiar with Mac and that's the computer Ron was using.  There are a few steps to it, but I'm used to the few steps it takes to check out at the library--this way, I can skip the step of driving my car and wasting gas!!  Ron did not spot the available copy I found of my book, so he taught me how to check out a different book.  As soon as I came home last night, I went online to show David how to check out books from the Hoover Library.  Once there, I discovered the copy I wanted--I returned the book Ron had checked out on my device and immediately checked out "The Girl Who Played with Fire".  I shut off my computer and started reading!! 

Yes, it's important to get in a daily workout (even if its just walking for 20 minutes outside!), but it's also important to challenge our brains!  I'm happy that I was able to learn something new yesterday and I look forward to sharing this knowledge with others!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

During the Sex and the City era, it became very popular to find a regular dating advice column in newspapers, magazines, and blogs.  Many girls wanted a chance to be the next Carrie Bradshaw, but no one could 'live' it as honestly and clever as our HBO hero!

With Americans hopping on board daily for a new and healthy lifestyle--I'm surprised I'm not familiar with a regular column in my local newspaper that gives advice on how to start a healthier lifestyle and most importantly, maintain it!  Right now, the attention-grabber is COUPONING. 

After months of David and I partaking in weekly couponing, I'm actually disgusted when I see the shopping baskets of 'Coupon Crazies'.  Sure, it's great when I find a coupon for something on my list; but using time in my day to find coupons for items I don't need just so that I can deduct cost on my total bill is too time-consuming for the lifestyle I'm living. 

My priorities?  Running, walking, kundalini yoga, Zumba, and from time to time--cleaning up my house (I can feel David's eyes rolling even while he's away at work).  Many friends believe that I work out for 2-3 hours a day or something unrealistic like this.  Yes, there are a couple days a week that I enjoy a class or two that take up a couple of hours--but it's not a daily habit.  I've already worked out and I have an opportunity to meet a friend for a walk?  Love it, wouldn't pass it up--so pleased to have someone choosing a healthier game-plan to bond over.  That might add on more time to my daily exercise regimen--but seriously that's not 'working out'--that's just doing good for my body. 

If these 'coupon queens' used their couponing time to get in a HEART RATE RAISING workout, maybe they would also realize how horrible the crap in their shopping baskets were for them and especially for their family.  I'm sorry 'Coupon Crazy', but when I pass you with your basket filled to the brim with oreos, canned fruits and veggies, and loads of other nutritionless items, here's what I'm thinking (as I pull out my sergeant whistle):

RUN 10 LAPS AROUND THE STORE (NOT IN THE STORE, AROUND THE BUILDING! but in the meantime, let's grab the items out of your buggy and put them back where you found them and where they live!)
FOLLOW THAT UP WITH 50 BURPEES and one cool-down walk around the store
DONE...were you able to do it or did you have to get yourself over to the pharmacy for some help?

No offense to our local 'Bargain Mom' but I'm ready for you to be a has-been so that I can give our community a daily pep-talk on how to make time for what's important-LIVING, LEARNING, AND SPREADING THE LOVE.  Namaste.